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Spirit of the River

Spirit of the River
© Andrea Jones
Artist Andrea Jones
Print Titel Spirit of the River
Zertifikate (1)

#440589 (Rooster)

Beschreibung Rio Tinto is a river in the province of Huelva in southwestern Spain. The river has a unique red and orange color derived from the water’s chemical composition that is extremely acidic and with very high levels of iron and heavy metals. It’s considered the birthplace of the Copper Age and the Bronze Age. According to local myth, Rio Tinto are the fabled mines of King Solomon who ruled the tribes of Israel between 970 and 931 BC.
Medium Breathing Color 17M Satin Canvas
Drucker Epson P20000
Tinte Epson Archival UltraChrome PRO Ink
hochgeladen am 27.01.2023
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Andrea Jones