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Oyster with the Concrete Shell

Oyster with the Concrete Shell
© Marissa Asal
Artist Marissa Asal
Print Titel Oyster with the Concrete Shell
Zertifikate (1)

#353636 (Rooster)

Beschreibung “Oyster with the Concrete Shell”. Limited edition print. Self-portrait oil painting of the artist, Marissa Asal. December 2023. - This is a limited edition of 3. - Available in 10" x 8" for $30, 15" x 11" for $60, and 19" x 14" for $90. - They will be hand signed, titled, numbered, & embossed. - Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity which is made of premium deckle edged mould made paper with a Hahnemühle watermark and fluorescent security fibres. Includes a hologram system with unique serial numbers. - These fine art Giclee prints are produced with professional archival inks on 308gsm Photo Rag® paper with a 1/2" white border. - This print measures 19" x 14" including the 1/2" white border (2" bottom).
Medium Oil
Drucker Lightbox Editions
Tinte Lucia
hochgeladen am 15.04.2024
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Marissa Asal