1. Create a personal login
Please register to participate in the painting competition and create your personal login. Accept the privacy policy.
Confirm your registration, which will be sent to you by e-mail. Your registration is completed after confirmation and your login is activated.
If you do not receive an e-mail from us, please check your spam folder.
2. Upload Portal
The upload portal is accessible with your personal login (username and password) you created. Here you can upload your pictures, add pictures at any time or change picture descriptions and your personal data. You can upload up to five images in the file formats jpeg, jpg, bmp, gif, png with a maximum of 20 MB. Please note: Each image must be suitable for reproduction for the calendar in at least 40 (W) x 30 (H) cm in landscape format.
The upload portal shows the uploads/contributions already made (thumbnail, additional information) and how many uploads are still possible. Please enter the description in the *mandatory fields
Further contributions can be added one after the other. Contributions that have already been uploaded can be changed or deleted until the closing date.
3. Registration Complete
The uploaded pictures will be sent to us and your participation in the painting competition will be registered.